BWS | Big Wonderful Summer - Value Campaign
During my time at M&C Saatchi Sydney agency I was tasked with rolling out this fun, dynamic and engaging Summer campaign for BWS. Different aspects of the Aussie Summer were portrayed using different animating icons that related to BBQ, Beach and Christmas respectively. The campaign used a different catchy acronym title beginning with the letters ‘BWS’ for different outputs depending on the category it fell into (E.g. Beers With Summer for beers, Best With Sunshine for ciders, Breezy Weekend Sippers for RTD drinks etc), which I designed and animated. The purpose of the campaign was to display value in a very wide selection of sale items across the categories of Beer, Wine, Spirits, RTD and Cider in a range of sizes, formats and media types. The animation was also incorporated into a dynamic content platform that was used to streamline the export process of a high volume of products and significantly further the reach of the campaign at the same time. In this large campaign I was involved with creating both video and static deliverables, a large portion of my work involved designing the storyboards for many different video outputs and then animating them.
[Asset Management / Storyboard Design / Animation]
Design & Build
I designed all the storyboards for all video assets. I was also involved with static design of social media ads, DOOH and print OOH posters, In-store Point of Sale arrangements. Some of the design challenges included precisely recreating the BWS value mechanics in the dynamic content platform Smartly (which is fairly primitive compared to adobe software), as well as bespoke arrangements of Summer Icons and wavey background elementss for different outputs to keep the campaign fresh and non repetitive.