Cinema 4D Basecamp | School of Motion

A collection of videos created during the Cinema 4D Basecamp course with the School of Motion, a 3 month intensive course that I undertook in 2020. 3 camping tips Explainer Video - case study

A fast and upbeat explainer video designed specifically for social media advertising portraying all the fun associated with camping while pointing out some important safety tips.

[Modelling / Animation / Compositing / SFX]
(Music & VO provided)


Personal Space Invaders: case study

Taking the Cronavirus into the world of 8-Bit, this video uses the classic arcade game Space Invaders as an analogy to express the dire situation the world is in today.

[Concept & Storyboard / Modelling / Animation / Compositing / Music & SFX]


City Sights & Neon Lights: case study

Exploring the potential of MoGraph in C4D with this futuristic city.

[Concept / Modelling / Animation / Compositing / Music & SFX]


Up in the air: case study

A fun animation exersize.

[Concept / Modelling / Animation / Compositing / Music & SFX]